Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 102

Annika likes worms!

Day 101

Harrison dressed up in the girls clothes!

Day 100!

Holy crap, day 100! Crazy! Had a session with some cute little guys today!

Day 99

My neighbor's daughter and her cute dance shoes!

Day 98

Day 97

Shaving cream fun!

Day 96

Day 95

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 94

My pretty candle on my patio table.

Day 93

Sorry, I didn't take a picture today. Bianca is sick and I just didn't get to it. I suck!

Day 92


Day 91

Planting a few seeds.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 90

Cause I like it!

Day 89

I thought this was a funny pic!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 88

Brian's 30th bday celebration!

Day 87

Ok, so I didn't take it, but I thought I should get into a picture every once in a while!

Day 86

Day 85

They emptied the hydrants and Annika and our neighbor friend had a ball!

Day 84

3 crazy kiddos!

Day 83


Day 82

Went to a bday party for sweet Gwendolyn!

Day 81

Blowing bubbles.

Day 80

Our first fire of the year!

Day 79

Day 78

Getting a tan during naptime!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 77

Aren't they so sweet?

Day 76

Bianca was a little sick yesterday, isn't she the cutest when she's sick?

Day 75

This is a crappy picture but I like it because it is a typical night in our house!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 74

Easter morning Mimosa!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 73

It was Harrison's 2nd birthday party today. His grandma Carol made this awesome Elmo cake. Now that's talent!

Day 72

This is what the hubs got me for our 5th wedding anniversary! I'm a lucky gal!